All posts by Naaty Design

Royalty Free Content Packs website launched

royalty free, game art, stock, assets, goodies, placeholder graphics, prototyping, sprites and all sort of stuff by Naaty Design

We are proud to announce the launch of our new brand : Royalty Free Content Packs

You are looking for placeholder graphics to prototype your game?
You need to quickly build a mock-up because a picture is worth a thousand words?
Your graphic designer is reported missing and you’re stuck with your project?

Now you can relax! Royalty Free Content Packs is the place to download affordable stock art and many other ready-to-use graphics related to game development for both commercial and personal productions.

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Freeware game Throw Up When oldschool meets newschool

Freeware game Throw UpTo cut the question short, in case you were wondering if Throw Up is related to stomach ache, puke and stuff. NO.

Throw Up is a puzzle / arcade game loosely inspired by Quarth released in 1989 by video game veteran Konami, where you need to shoot on shapes to create rectangles.

The gameplay may sound very easy at first but you will discover that the progression is quite difficult indeed, and you will play over again to beat your best score (and challenge your friends via Facebook and Twitter).

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Livre profession graphiste independant

Livre profession graphiste independantSi vous êtes familier des sites communautaires 1Dcafé, Kob-One ou encore Café Salé, vous avez certainement lu des posts de Yamo, créatif des plus impliqués sur le web.

Il y a quelques années, Yamo, de son vrai nom Julien Moya, avait constitué un guide réunissant des conseils pratiques issus de son expérience personnelle, le Kit de Survie du Créatif.

Répondant à l’appel d’un éditeur, le site a finalement donné naissance à un livre Profession Graphiste indépendant.

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Bitrabbit shoots the balls in Samsung Apps

Dublin, Ireland – April 27th 2011BitRabbit is pleased to officially announce the release of Brad Mitchum – Lost In Time for all bada devices through Samsung Apps.

Brad is an archeologist who has travelled the four corners of the globe in search of lost cities and legendary objects. After discovering and investigating a mysterious talisman, he is thrown back in time and must fight off waves of attacking metallic balls to restore the talisman and find his way home.

Brad Mitchum is lost in time and he doesn’t see the funny side.

Brad Mitchum : lost in time - bada Samsung appsShoot the bouncing balls:

Brad Mitchum – Lost in Time is a challenging arcade game including 3 high action game modes:

     – Story: main quest featuring cinematic sequences and progressive difficulty through 5 worlds;
     – Pure: an arcade classic mode;
     – X-Trem: a special extra-difficulty mode with combo systems for hardcore players.

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the chromatic design by moviebarcode

When you discover the moviebarcode website, at first you may wonder what those lines are about.

The main concept is to compress each frame of an entire film in one pixel wide and accumulate them side by side into a single picture.

As a result, we get the whole colour palette (all the dominant colours of each shot actually) compressed in a bar code.

Sometimes you can even spot on the very right of the picture the end credits sequence, dark background with white pixels.

Although the idea is nothing new, if you are nuts about colours, this is a real feast.

More than 130 movies have been processed and prints are also available here.

The terminal green of The MatrixThe kitsch colours of Speed RacerThe electric blue of Tron

nouveau magazine de presse cinéma Cinemateaser

Couverture du 1er numero du magazine de cinema CinemateaserSortie début février, la presse cinéma compte désormais un nouveau magazine mensuel, Cinemateaser, disponible en kiosque ainsi qu’en version dématérialisée.

Au sommaire de ce premier numéro, un contenu d’une centaine de pages relativement ciblé ‘productions américaines’ avec une large place au visuel, à noter la quasi-absence de pub.

A titre de comparaison subjective et complètement gratuite, le mensuel lorgne plus du coté du magazine anglais Empire que du dinosaure Premiere qui n’est plus que l’ombre de lui-même.

Pour en savoir plus et découvrir le ton rédactionnel :

Site web (ouvert en novembre 2009) :
Page facebook :
Twitter :

MOOtastic quality postcards

Moo postcards - prints from Naaty Design's workYay! A set of MOO postcards from a bunch of flyers (including Brad Mitchum’s smartphone game and Yan Harris) have been delivered!

Such as their other products, both thickness of the paper and printing quality are good indeed and have a gloss laminate with a size of 105mm x 146mm.

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partly cloudy with Wordle

Created by Jonathan Feinberg, Wordle is a web application running on Google’s infrastructure that generates word clouds from text you provide.

Very easy to use, you can play tweak almost everything from the fonts, the layout to the colours in order to design your own colourful word collages.

You can’t directly save a picture, so stretch the window to get the most of your resolution screen then you just have to grab a screenshot et voilà!

Those visualizations have been generated using the rss feed of this very blog + quick retouching (texture & light).

Generated word clouds by Wordle with Coolvetica fontGenerated word clouds by Wordle with League Gothic fontGenerated word clouds by Wordle with ChunkFive font

when Yan Harris met Saul Bass

Flyer 1 - Yan HarrisThe first flyer was originally an excuse for testing a couple of custom brushes done by Chad Essley especially for TVPaint Animation.

Starting from the shape of Yan Harris which stands for the ‘i’ in the original logo, everything was done with an excess of splats, splashes, dots, drops & spray and then, tweaking the colours via blending modes.

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Astraware releases Brad Mitchum – Lost In Time for Windows Phone and Windows Mobile!

Brad Mitchum: lost in timeAstraware is excited to announce the release of Brad Mitchum: Lost in Time, a fun action arcade game developed by Angel Software and Naaty Design using BitRabbit’s RabbitFactory cross platform game engine.

Brad is an archeologist who has travelled the four corners of the globe in search of lost cities and legendary objects. After discovering and investigating a mysterious talisman, he is thrown back in time and must fight off waves of attacking metallic balls to restore the talisman and find his way home.

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